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Resident Evil 2 Rare Poster

November 7, 2008 | In Defcon | Comments Off

Time for an update I guess. So where shall we start? How about the great games hunt. Shall we knock a few more off the list? Yes lets.

Yes another 3 off the list, and thats Namco Museum 4 (with a big thanks to Bucky-B for this one), Moorhuhn Kart and Who Wants To Be A [...]

The Final Stretch – Poster Marathon Climax

May 26, 2008 | In Defcon | Comments Off

Well guys I know I promised hardware but as usual things have got hectic on this Bank Holiday weekend and I haven’t had time to get through the paperwork for the new additions. Still I do have the old posters in my back pocket and to put an end to your turmoil I am throwing [...]

Demos and More Posters!

May 21, 2008 | In Defcon | Comments Off

Hey hey guys, its that time of the day again when the little ones have gone to bed and I can finally get round to throwing an update your way. And today I got a tiny little something for you.
First off lets get the posters out of the way shall we? Here we go another [...]

Something For The Weekend?

May 11, 2008 | In Defcon | Comments Off

Well hello guys, hope everyone has had a great weekend. We have had great weather here so I have been trying to enjoy it as much as I can, while still getting all my weekend jobs out of the way.
On the site front I managed to find the issue that was causing the website to [...]

Just why?

March 3, 2008 | In Defcon | Comments Off

So its been a little quiet around here recently, nothing to be worried about thankfully but its about time we got this ship rolling about in the ocean again.
Its been a funny two weeks here in the UK what with earthquakes, gas explosions, strong winds, and this morning snow, its made me start thinking [...]

Reality Bites!

February 15, 2008 | In Defcon | Comments Off

Hey all!!!
I know I know, I have been a little quiet recently but to say I have had a little bit of a busy time recently is a massive understatement. So let me get you all caught up shall I.
As you know two weeks ago little Liam came into the world, well what should of [...]

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