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LEGO Rock Raiders
Rarity: 2
Game Information:
Catalog number SLES 01690 cover
Publisher Lego Media
Developer Data Design
Copyright 1999
Release Date
Barcode 5036749006275
Game Style 3D Adventure
Players 1-2
Memory Card
Hardware Vibration Function Compatible.

Box Information:
Jewelcase Normal Front cover number 5036749006275
CD Code <none> No. of CD's 1
Parent Title LEGO Rock Raiders Parent Spine Title LEGO ROCK RAIDERS
Front Inlay code <none> Back Inlay code PS1G-ROCFR2.2
Game Code CD SLES-01690 Country Code FR 9006275
Box Description Dérivant en orbite autour d'une planète inexplorée, l'équipage du LMS Explorer doit maintenant faire face à un défi: établir une base de ravitaillement sous la surface de la planète. Ta mission consiste à sauver les Rock Raider en prenant le commandement de l'équipe de forage. Choisis un véhicule parmi tous ceux qui te sont proposés et apprends à voler, conduire et naviguer au milieu des rochers, de la lave et de la glace. Dépasse tes limites au cours de 21 missions. Rends le défi encore plus stimulant en te mesurant à un ami au cours de 18 parties à deux joueurs. Veille à collecter assez de cirstaux d'énergie pour réapprovisionner les moteurs du LMS Explorer, mais la tâche n'est pas simple: il te faudra contrer les attaques des extraterrestres, des scorpions et des monstres souterrains. Alors bonne chance!

Manual Information:
Manual number 5036749006268 Manual Code <none>
Manual Languages EN

Rating Information:

Other Information:
TriviaRelease Comes with a black & white manual. Front cover states "Ages: 8-99", which is the slogan for LEGO, the game itself is rated SELL "All".
Includes Green sticker with white text on back jewelcase, right over the description, with English description. "Stranded in orbit around an uncharted planet, the crew of the LMS explorer is faced with the challenge of establishing a base camp beneath the planet's surface. Your missing is to rescue your fellow Rock Raiders by taking direct control of the team. You'll have to build 9 vehicles and then learn to fly, drive, and sail them through Rock, Lava and Ice. Then there's a total of 21 one-player missions and 9 two-player missions to complete. But beware, in your quest to mine enough Energy Crystals to re-power the engines of the LMS explorer, you'll have to defend yourselves against the alien slugs, scorpions and the dreaded Rock Monsters. Good luck!!"
OPSM Score
Cheats No cheats yet.

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